Thursday, December 29, 2011

A lost opportunity

I am sick tired of listening the sentence “Team Anna”.  It wasn’t the long ago when I was among the excited and exhilarated crowd supporting the anti corruption movement spearheaded by “Team Anna”. In November Govt. came out with its draft Lokpal bill. It looked ok in my eyes. Most of the point on which August movement was based was addressed somehow, though half heartedly.  We finally had a strong Lokpal Bill with some glitches. Now ideally there should be some back door campaign to correct the glitches, as the most important demand of a strong Lokpal seems imminent.  That’s why I was very surprised by the announcement of Team Anna to move forward with their protest plan. Now it seriously seems over doing it. I could feel that it’s going to fail as what will be moral ground to protest over some tiny 2 and 3 points (Primary of which was inclusion of CBI, which was controversial in many experts’ view) and failing will have dire consequences which will lead to complacency of political leader and we might end up with having no Lokpal at all.

The enthusiasm which was created in August for strong Lokpal was certain to be subsided.  When people are hungry, they are sure to take up the protest with much enthusiasm to get the food. But if the belly is full then hardly anyone will bother to hit the street for the quality of food.  A street protest is not done on such matters. These matters should be handled by experts at back door.

August movement equipped all of us with a weapon – weapon of mass power against the corrupt and inefficient. We were elated and ready to use it at appropriate moment in future. Team Anna have lost us that sword with it’s over ambition which clearly looked as a personnel vendetta.

Many of us clearly saw that protest and ‘Jail Bharo’ which Team Anna is planning is going to fail. But it’s really incomprehensible for me that how can a team packed with so many elites and intellectuals fail to comprehend this simple logic. Were they really blind with their hidden ambition? Though I have lots of respect for them, but I am still furious on them. I give them credit to really stir the India. If Lokpal is in parliament today, that’s entirely attributed to them. But in the mean time If Lokpal fails to get through the parliament then Team Anna will have to share a bigger part of the blame(Status of constitutional authority for Lokpal has already been defeated). Without constitutional authority Lokpal will be toothless and any Govt. at any point of time can stuck it down.

 Now Anna is talking about campaigning against Congress in election. May some sense prevail on Team Anna and they make some distance from politics. They have already lost a large chunk of credibility; they should strive to save the rest. They should leave the choosing the candidate on people’s wisdom.  In this leaderless country where we never had any voice, Team Anna came as a little ray of hope. I hate to lose that hope; please don’t take that from us.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Flying Angel on the Globe:

Studying Map is an interesting activity. Lines drawn on the map do not only define the countries and border but also personify them by infusing some meaningful character which is often invisible to us. I found a flying angel (Gabriel) on our globe, and how true indeed: Gabriel it is.

In Islam, Gabriel was the medium through whom God revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad, and that he sent a message to most prophets, if not all, revealing their obligations. He is called the chief of the four favored angels and the spirit of truth. Islam originated in the heart of Saudi Arabia’s desert and spread all along the way surrounding it and today it commands life of around one fourth of earth’s population. A beautiful religion that have been showing way to billions of people for centuries has now come under a dark shadow as a result of war, sectarian clashes and terrorism, but nevertheless it will survive and will continue to guide people as long as sun shines.
Look at the angel and you will Egypt and Iran as its hand (or wings), who indeed worked as its wing while helping angel to take big leap in civilization with their unique and enlightened history.
Turkey proudly occupies the position of head. It’s the position it deserves, as it continues to be looked upon by other Arab states who desires to embark on the road of modern civilization in conformity with religion by following the “Turkey Model”.
Feet are Yemen and Oman, and angel is staggered on its feet, because of widespread anarchies facing by one of its feet – Yemen.  Yemen is grappled with problem of extremism, and soon it may find itself on receiving end of ‘GWOT’ (Global War on Terrorism). Hopefully Yemen will come out of it, as it know without it Angel cannot walk properly J .
United Arab Emirates (UAE) is at the flying end of angel’s cloak. Extra clothes represent luxury and when it comes to luxury no one can compete UAE. So it keeps angels extravagantly clothedJ.
Kuwait occupies a position where usually men keep their moneybag: Pocket of angel ;). This small country commands huge wealth. Saudi Arabia is nearly hundred times of the this tiny country but in terms of oil it only commands 6th times total oil reserve of Kuwait. This indicates that how much oil wealth concentrates in this tiny country.
Stomach and legs of angels are made of Saudi Arabia. Money of the Saudi Arabia is what fills the hunger of Angel and also gives it ability to stand on its leg. Without Saudi Arabia we cannot think of Middle East, neither do we can imagine Angel. Donations from Saudi Arabia pour into whole world to help the goodwill of angel fly all over world, though sometimes it is diverted or actually channeled for other purposes.
Iraq and Jordan occupies the heart position, as its ancient Mesopotamian civilization pumped the life-blood not only in whole Middle East while in whole world. Hope Iraq will resume on this position again as angel will be very weak without it, and there would be dire consequences for whole world if it dies.
Syria is the neck of angel and twisting it will jolt whole Middle East. We hope the power mongrel countries will leave Syria to its own conditions and let it sort its own problem by itself.
Each and every part of angel is essential for angel to continue to be in existence. If all parts work properly and cohesively, a healthy angel will fly jubilantly over the world and whole world will be showered with its magic and earth will be a best place on planet where only and only happiness exists J

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

News or Noise:

In the age of digital and free world (supposed to be), where print and electronic media is revolutionized beyond one’s imagination, it’s ironic that I am scare to open 90% of the news-channel, news paper, news-website because of their contents. Getting news is no more easy in this era of print and digital revolution, where India is supposed to be saturated with hundreds of news channel and paper. All we manage to get is some non-sense if we dare to flip through these channels or newspaper.

It was my personnel view till now, but no more as the same is resonated by non other but Chairman of Press council Of India (PCI) Justice Markandey Katju. He has endured criticism from different part of media, but his comment nonetheless describes the reality.

In this age of fierce competition where media organization is actually managed by people with degree in business administration , instead of people with experience in journalism, media is losing edge of what actually is called news. There is hardly any difference between news-channel or entertainment channel.
When I flip through different channels, I usually avoid coming across any new-channel (Barring few), which is quite capable of horrifying me. I remember when CERN was to first conduct experiment through Large Hadrons Collider (LHC) on 10th Sep, 2008, there were several rumor about safety of project, worse of all was destruction of world as result of that. I was curious and wanted to know more about the ongoing event. So I decided to watch news. What I came across was: “Breaking news: world is going to be destroyed because of planned LHC experiment by CERN. Only Kashi (a sacred city for Hindus) is going to be survived because it is standing on Shiva’s Trishul”. There were also showing interview of several babas of Kashi who were verifying the fact like an expert. I was flabbergasted; News channel could go no lower. It was not some exceptional case, general trend of news channels and newspaper reflect this, again barring few. The simple minded rural Indian take the words of news channel as the words of god. What affect this news will have on them. Instead of pushing India forward they are pushing it backward. How can anyone expect to root out centuries of feudal and unscientific blind faith from Indian society and establish a progressive and modern society, if the propagator of information (Media) only doing the exact reverse?
On very few news-paper front pages you would ever expect to find some important news. All we get is either news of some so called celebrity (Aishwarya’s Baby shower, Omar Abdullah’s divorce blah blah blah) or some scandal or controversy. 90% of the substance of any newspaper or channel contains something which could be clearly termed as entertainment section. Rest of the 10% struggles to put news. It could be easily understood that how much we Indians are missing. People die because of disease, hunger and poverty in one part of India, but other part of India is unaware of that as hardly any channel or paper finds a space for this news among their schedule crammed with so called popular news.  
I accept in this age of fierce competition one need to go with public mood to stay afloat. But who decides what the public mood is? I am also part of public and so do lots of others who are repulsed by today’s trend. As the Steve Jobs said, “Public never know what to buy”. It’s us who show them the way. Why not show them right way, instead of wrong? It’s easy to capture one’s attention with a picture with lots of color but only a picture that fulfills the criteria of art and quality capture one’s imagination and stay for the long time.

I am happy that in this competition and profit driven news industry there exists some few channels and newspaper whose constant endeavor is to keep us informed. The Hindu group is among them. Though they are little left oriented, but I don’t mind as even newspaper have right to have their own ideology. I have to adjust and balance my view accordingly, but in any case I get some proper and investigative news. I really appreciate them of standing for their ideology even in this age where it does not have any monetary values.

There are lots of happening around us and as a citizen of India we are entitled to know that. Its media’s responsibility to connect us with the rest of India and world. This is the demand of age and media have to listen to this.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Unforgettable smile

Just now I saw an application on Facebook “whose smile is ‘unforgettable’”. There were three options like Mine, Mom, Boyfriend/Girlfriend. Well I can’t say mine, as I hate my smile. I try to do it as little as possible to save others from committing a crime of hate. But title of application reminded me of someone with whom I only had 2 to 3 hour of acquaintance but, since I still remember it, it must be unforgettable J . I cannot remember his face clearly but I can remember his smile, a smile whose assurance and honesty pushed all hesitances out of me and kept me going out of edge, which is really uncommon ;). I don’t get mingle up with person so easily, it takes me month to be myself to talk to a girl/boy unhesitatingly and openly without any hitches. But here I was, talking to him like I have known him for a long time.

I was sitting in the hotel and waiting for my result of my 2nd round when he came to talk to me (he too was waiting for his turn and he wanted to ask about the interview question and all, as I had finished mine and he was about to be called). He was nice and decent, and perhaps 1st boy/girl with whom I talked so easily without any pricking and I was feeling so good that even I can be socialable at first meetingJ. Then I got call for 3rd round and I went. It went around 1 hour and by the time he also cleared 1st and 2nd round, and when I returned to my place he welcomed with me the same smile and said something about my interview being gone too long. We went on talking about some other topics(I don’t exactly remember). He kindly offered me to help with job search in good company like Amazon (that’s the one I can remember) and all. And then MindTree’s HR came to me and informed that I have been selected and then boooooom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was happy and I sprinted from hotel like I have a zombie behind me and only breathed when I reached railway station. After reaching I when I cooled down a bit after all those excitement, I thought about that guy and then I realized that I did not even know his name (No idea whether he told me or not). I don’t know what my problem is. Ideally I should have been waited a little more to know what his result was or even for my sake to get more information from MindTree, as I was in no hurry. It was just 4 in evening. I should have at least waited for my professional gain as I could have got more information about opening in some good companies, but I am what I am, and I am completely hopeless :P. People say such acquaintances help you to build a network which is good for you and your career, but that can not happen in case as my dick head will never let me do that. No doubt about that. I don’t know whether that guy was good or not (you can never know that in such a short meeting), but at least first time in my life I felt very easy with someone and I lost that in few hour because of my haughtiness. I don’t know what he must be thinking about me (at that point of timeJ. I am sure he won’t even remember this now), the way I ran It would been have like I had seen some fang in him J.
Anyway it’s good to have remembrance of something as my memory is very poor in such cases. Life is good, don’t live it like me and keep smiling, you never know whom you might impress upon J .

Friday, September 30, 2011

Non Sensical sense :)

My hand was craving to write something, just like a crave to have chocolate or something ;). But what to write? I just wrote a blog and blabber something because I was angry. So it was easy writing when you are angry. Words and content just flow, but if it’s a crave then really difficult to think. I decided to write something which I had in my mind for a while but that needed a little research and I am certainly not in mood for doing that just to satiate my stupid crave. So I decided to just blabber something crap.

But then I thought, shouldn’t I be responsible when I write something on public forum?

Get loss.

It’s my blog, not a newspaper space and I will write whatever I feel like. And any way who read it to get annoyed by my irresponsibility :P. So I am quite free for spilling my non-senseJ.

Day after day passes, I pass many people on my way without realizing or without looking. While wandering in a park if suddenly I look up then it just astonish me, the sky , the tree, how many mundane structure which are mundane to think but if I look at them at that point of time it look wonderful as if I have never seen them. When I travel in a bus with many passengers, I rarely have the feeling that I am surrounded by people, people with different aspiration, different past and future but still the same. But when I come out of my trance and really look at someone then I get a sensation of someone like me in flesh and blood. What’s their story? I don’t try to think.

Where am I going, what’s going to happen, what’s I am missing: countless and meaningless questions like trouble me always. Life goes on but its puzzle instead of being unlocked get more tangled and difficult. Or is it really that difficult? Sometime it feels like an open book or like a normal flow of river with no puzzling complexity, just me and my very simple life. I am confuse.

Many times I feel myself very happy (apparently for no reason), I try to think of the reason, I try harder but could think none. What is it? Why I am feeling happy? Then some silly reason pop up in my mind and I just get astonish that because of this I was so happy whole day. And then I think how could a silly reason like this make me happy for whole day when sometimes even a big event cannot excites a tiny portion of me? How astonishing, how unexplainable? My life goes on…

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and then my 2 day. Will I ever stop getting excited on Friday when I know perfectly that next two day I have to spend with myself at my home and I am quite capable of wasting 48 hours with doing nothing? After Sunday again the week comes and then that also goes in puff and again my days come. My life just goes on……

Every night I expect a thrill from next day but next day goes just as mundane as previous day but I never stop expecting. Dream and expectation are glued to my life such that it never let me breathe in reality. When will I get over all those? I don’t think I will ever be, but thing is that I don’t wanna be. But I know I should be because I think I might have reached to age where dream should take a back seat and let reality creep into its place. So should I? hmmm, forget about it I don’t think I have any control on this ;) . So my life again goes on with this dream J.

Office starts with boring Monday. In my whole IT career, IT industry was never able to occupy my life, my life never revolve around this. My work is never enough to fill my time. My time is highly underutilized, so do my ability. I hardly utilize 1% of it, and funny thing is there isn’t anyone in this world that is/are stopping me to do so. But I still do not do so, and my life just goes on with my wastage…

I have never been an eloquent speaker nor an efficient writer. My grammar sucks; in whole my writing too sucks. I am completely aware of that. But whatever it is, writing comes as easily as breathing. My breathing might be wrong but it’s still essential and pleasant for me. It suits me because I don’t have to open my mouth. It suits me because I don’t have to think about person in front of me before writing, I just have to think about myself. The word that eludes me while speaking flows freely while writing. So I am quite capable of writing nonsense as I am doing nowJ. And hence my nonsense goes on…….

I think this much nonsense is quite sufficient to satisfy my craving for the moment so I’ll stop for the sake of some rare person who dare to read it ;)

Inflating inflation

The week end food inflation index is again up, moving from 8.84 to 9.13 and Finance minister’s statement on this is: “increase in food inflation is area of grave concern”. Haven’t we been listening this same statement for past 2-3 years after release of each weekly inflation data?

No not same always, as I remember at the starting point of inflation spiral statement was something like this “unprecedented growth of India has put more money on Indian’s hand hence spurring the demand, which in turn is actuating the inflation. Inflation is demand driven and govt. can do little about it as it can’t hurt the growth in process”. After some time our minister realizes that he can’t kick this logic on the empty stomach of millions of Indian for so long, so act of denial changed into act of acceptance. This is the new stance adopted by government; when inflation figures come then just show your worried face to media and accept that it’s a disturbing trend, but do nothing about it.

When at first I saw minister accepting this fact then I took sigh of relief that govt. has finally realized the problem and they will take action on it. But soon it was clear that this act of acceptance is not going to result in any concrete action. We have to live and satiate our problem only with a candid admission of problem by our minister.

I don’t know whether growth in this decade is unprecedented or not (it’s certainly not) but shooting price of food articles are certainly unprecedented, which is hitting millions of Indian. 75% Indians are below poverty level (if we don’t consider the frivolous affidavit given by planning commission to the court , as per which person earning 26 rs or more in rural place cannot be considered as poor) who struggle hard for the basic necessity of the life and food constitute large chunk for that struggle. In this scenario if this persisting adamant high inflation completely erodes their income and forces them into an abject poverty where it would be completely impossible to sustain, then who is responsible for this? No matter what is the driving force behind inflation: whether international scenario, or high growth (which is highly unlikely) or high demand or whatever it is, a willing and capable government has always many tools to fight it. And if a government says that it is incapable of doing so then it has no right to govern. There are several short term and long term measure to fight inflation (whatever the reason behind it), but government doesn’t seem to doing anything at all except giving statements. It’s highly probable that now government might have been thinking of some new format of statement to give as we are tired of listening the same statement over and over.

But when we are going to get a policy change instead of a mere statement change? I fervently hope that answer is not: "Never".

Monday, September 5, 2011

Dear Sir and Madam

I belong to a country who is famous for its guru-shishya tradition, I belong to a class who earn their bread using their pen, I belong to a family where study come at the top of the list (my 2nd uncle never bought a television so that his children would not be deviated from study J ).Having been brought in such environment make me a natural guru worshipper.

Teacher – student relationship is a wonderful relationship where bonding with teacher goes beyond student and touches his/her entire spectrum of life: their hope, future, family and much beyond that.

I have savoured many such relations in my life. I have many wonderful teachers who have secured a very special place in my heart.

One day one of my teachers told us we should never lie, such was the effect of his words that it still resonates in my mind and paralyse me if I ever try to lie. One would think that it is such a simple and silly thing and you hear this lecture by almost everyone or read it in everywhere, but it made a difference in my life when it was uttered by my teacher for whom I have regard as equal to god. There are many such simple thing which we might discard as mere rhetoric but they did made a difference in my life when delivered by my teacher. I have not only earned knowledge from them but learned many important lesson for my life which still guide me through my way.

I will not forget to mention most important teacher of my life: My Mom. She has been guiding me since the time when I first looked upon this world. She has been the best teacher for my academic, moral and physical career and she is still playing that role.

I know I might have been headache for some of my teacher (because of my naughtiness).Many time I have been termed as most notorious student of school by them. One teacher said that how a class monitor is supposed to disciple the class when she herself is the worst disciplined student (I was the monitor ;) ). But even after all this I know they loved me and I loved them all J .

Whatever I am today is because of my teachers, and I know it is not at all sufficient (because I am still nobody L ). They deserve more of me and I have to prove myself for them.

A very happy teacher’s day to all my beloved teachers, May they shine brightly for their entire life. And a very happy teacher’s day to all those teachers whose constant endeavour keep shaping life of millions J

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Blind eye

If J&K assembly had passed a resolution similar to the Tamil Nadu one for Afzal Guru would the reaction have been as muted? I think not”: Omar Abdullah through twitter.

That’s a very valid question and I think Mr. Abdullah is correct, Reaction would not have been muted but of a wild political turmoil. But my question is why? BJP’s comment on this was that “This is a sensitive issue and Mr. Abdullah comment on this is unfortunate”. My question is “isn’t Rajiv Gandhi’s assassination a sensitive issue”. What is the difference between attack on parliament and attack on Indian political leader who was PM and was also powerful PM contender at that point of time. Both were the attack on Indian democracy and sovereignty. So why Afzal Guru’s case is different? He is also Indian citizen and has every right which Indian constitution has conferred to every Indian citizen. J&K assembly has every right pass resolution to seek clemency for Afzal Guru who is resident of J&K and they should do it because this is only proper and valid thing to do.

I don’t know what is the extent of complicity of Afzal Guru in parliament attack conspiracy. It upon court to decide and court has given verdict against him. But I believe whatever the extent of his crime, neither he nor any person waiting for their fateful end, deserve this. Afzal Guru’s case was highly politicised for the petty political gain. Though I have complete faith in justice system of my country, but I personally feel that Afzal Guru did not get a fair trial in this extremely politically motivated and prejudiced environment. But I don’t want to get into legal tangle of case of in question whether justice has been delivered or not. My point is that when Tamil Nadu assembly passed the resolution to seek the clemency for 3 convict of Rajiv Gandhi’s assassination, there were many of us who sympathized with their case. I don’t think Afzal Guru’s case is different; case is being dragged for 10 years. He was awarded death sentence in 2004. He has been waiting for his fate for past 7 years. He was not the direct connivance in the attack on parliament. As an Indian citizen he is fully entitled for sympathy of us Indians. Why should we not seek for his clemency? By executing him we are not going to give a message that we are tough on terrorism, the only message will go out of it that we discriminate, we discriminate on the basis of region, religion and so on... But if we be unite in demand of his clemency and if Govt. Of India do it then a positive message will go, that message will be of reconciliation, humanity and maturity of Indian democracy. Argument can be raised against this that by doing this we are showing our weakness, or going soft on terrorism. But being hard on terrorism means prevent the attack on innocent at any cost not that hang as many people as possible after the attack. That leads to acerbity in society and that’s the divisive action not cohesive, it encourages terrorism more instead of preventing it. I appeal to all Indian and Indian political party to think by rising above the petty politics, put their prejudices behind them, and look at the victim by forgetting his personnel identity by considering him only as a human being. As a citizen of India I appeal to president of India to commute the death sentence for Afzal Guru and also for the three convict of Rajiv Gandhi’s assassination.

At last I want to say that I am fully aware of the pain inflicted on individual and families who is victim of terror attacks. I never know that I could be the next. Everyone wants justice the crime perpetrated on their loved one. But death for death is not justice. It’s the medieval solution and 5000 years history of India shows that we don’t deliver justice in this manner. Terrorism a demon which grows on the blood and more you sacrifice on its altar, more it will grow. Many innocent will perish in this. And we would never like to see an innocent person to be hanged and his/her family to be condemned for their entire life in the process of seeking justice. Think about it.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Arundhatinama: I’d rather not be Anna: Trust me you cannot be even if you want to

We’re watching India being carved up in war for suzerainty that is as deadly as any battle being waged by the warlords of Afghanistan, only with much, much more at stake’ is the sentence by Arundhati Roy (Article in Hindu editorial dated 21/08/2011) to describe the recent movement launched by team Anna against corruption. The point made by Ms. Roy is completely lost upon me or it is quite possible that I am not enlightened enough to understand her.

I started article in hope for getting something substantial against recent movement or may be some innovative and different solution to achieve corruption free society. After all a society cannot be vibrant until there exists different views on different matters. But instead of providing a different solution or giving something substantial against team Anna it was completely directed towards berating them and discrediting them.

According to her, we can find one common in ‘Jan Lokpal bill’ and the Moists: both seek the overthrow of Indian state. Now if we consider ‘Jan Lokpal bill’, it may has the flaws and according to my understanding the movement is not to make government adopt exact version of ‘Jan Lokpal Bill’, but for a bill which is prepared by the consensus of the government and civil society and which contains the best of both version and in turn provides a strong and accountable Lokpal to root out corruption out of India. And how this bill can overthrow the Indian state is beyond my comprehension.

She terms Jan Lokpal Bill as a draconian anti corruption bill where huge power will be vested in Lokpal to watch the government from higher level to lower level. Corruption is so widespread that some institution is needed to be on watch for the behavior of public institution and if vesting power in Lokpal to do the watching, is draconian then I certainly do aspect from Ms. Roy to suggest some alternative. But instead what I get is the example of what will happen when Lokpal come in picture: example of a shopping mall where streets hawkers are banned and they pay small sum to local police and municipality to break the law and sell their wares to those who cannot afford prices in malls. Now if Lokpal comes in picture there would be two possibilities: either they would be driven out or they have to pay even to one more institution (Lokpal) for encroaching. So according to her, Lokpal is one more power structure and people will find themselves entangled in one more layer of bureaucracy. I might accept the possibilities but what about millions of poor Indians who don’t have money for their sustenance but they have to bribe government employee to get the social service for which they are entitled or do not get it at all because the money intended for the service never reaches them. Does she want to continue this system and not to have any remedies at all? A hawker or even she might be able to pay his/her way through but millions of Indians cannot. We need to have something; this cannot continue and if you cannot provide the alternative solution then just shut up.

Then she talks of different movement held in different part of company. Fast of Anna is highlight of news channel but this fast doesn’t mean anything if it’s of Irom Sharmila (lasted for more than 10 years against AFSPA). I accept that, her fast means a lot and I ask her why don’t she do something about it and why she doesn’t mobilize people in the way team Anna is doing for him instead of moaning about it. A Movement needs not to be exclusionary and it also does not discredit other movements. The way she describes the movement happening around the different company against displacement and different development project as that Lokpal movement is discrediting them all. It’s like you offer food to a hungry person and then being criticized for ignoring thousands others who are hungry. Is this justified? And who says movement against displacement and development project by people will not be anti corruption movement. Isn’t the massive displacement of people and degradation of forest by corporate world is result of corrupt nexus between corporate and politician. Won’t all these projects be under the scanner of lokpal which might be able to do minimal damage to the common man?

She discredits Arvind Kejriwal’s NGO and others for accepting millions of dollars from corporate and also question of involvement of corporate in movement. First of all you just can’t blame a dedicated person like Arvind Kejriwal without corroborating his personal gain from the contribution. Many NGO get benefitted from corporations and they cannot do without it. Can we refute the NGO related to polio vaccination etc for taking donation from Bill and Melinda Gates foundation?

She also questions about Anna Hazare’s secular credentials and his views on casteism. I don’t think that is relevant here. He is not trying to facture the Indian society or trying to mobilize support for a community or building a temple or mosque. It’s a question of national importance and I don’t know how the question of religious or caste inclination find a way here.

I do not agree with media impersonating Anna Hazare as Mahatma Gandhi nor do I term the team Anna as saint for spearing the movement. I do not deny that there could be other motives also. But what I think is that they are fighting against something which is really a social malaise and in the process they are not harming any one. So what’s wrong in supporting or more, turning this towards something really right? It’s not like venom spewed by a politician for their personnel gain. It’s a movement to unite the people not fragment them. If the movement succeeds it might result in something good. The original ‘Jan Lokpal Bill’ is full of flaw (which is accepted by Arvind Kejriwal, he said that he never wanted it to be passed in original form but wanted it to be discussed and debated for something good to be come out of it) but that can be corrected by consultation and discussion. We don’t have scarcity of intelligent and thoughtful man to look into that. Let’s not deviate from the issue and if we have problem with it then let’s give an alternative solutions. Nothing else is accepted other than that. Jai hind (I’ll say that and you cannot stop me from doing that by terming it as cheap movement propaganda :P ).

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Tax or extortion: Reason to fight against corruption

Since the time I have started earning, one thing becomes quite visible for me- Different kind of taxes which keep fleecing me. I contribute small sum (though huge for me) to my country economy every month through direct tax which is imposed on my income, if I dare to eat out I again pay tax which is the sum of Service tax plus VAT (this tax amounted to 24% in pizza hut, can you believe that? You eat for 400 and pay 100 rupees tax for that.), I pay 10% tax on my utility bill, 30% on any kind of bonus I get, and there are many taxes on my shopping bill. One day I was outraged by this atrocities perpetrated on me by government in form of tax. But I consoled myself that I am contributing this amount to country for the welfare of its people which includes me too.

But does this contribution mean anything???????????

No I don’t think so. My hard earned money makes way to those umpteen holes which has been created by corrupt bureaucracy and politician and we don’t have reach to these holes which vanishes like vanishing mice. I can’t even get satisfaction by paying tax that I am contributing something for my country. It makes me angry to see that how these leeches of country are making mockery of my hard work. You pay taxes to pay those bureaucrats and politicians so that they can serve public purpose and then you pay again in form of bribe to get those services done.

In this scenario tax paid by us to government is no more than extortion money which never gives us any value for our spend and left us to feel like being robbed.

Corruption corrodes not only money but also morality, humanity, honesty and integrity from our life. It makes culprit not only of Bribe taker but also of bribe giver. Corrupt system compels even honest people to surrender and take route of corruption for getting their work done. Nobody can dare to escape it. Our system is rotten to such extent that it now quite a norm (like a procedure) to pay money, if you want to get police verification done for your passport then you have to pay (and payment is also fix they won’t listen for below 1000 bucks) otherwise they will send the adverse report ( it happens with me). I was astonished to see that everyone accepts this as fact and are very casual about that. How come a poor person can survive in this system, I just shudder to even think that.

I don’t think Jan Lokpal bill proposed by the civil society led by Anna Hazare will uproot this corruption from our system which has taken its root very deep inside system. But I am glad that at least we are now taking notice of this. Some good is bound to come out of this. What I wish that bribe should not be glorified but condemned. I have seen parents paying lakhs of dowry to get the groom who is government employee, who hardly earns 10000 but command such market value because of their ability to make money through bribe. I want system to be changed so that these kinds of person will not be admired but abhorred by the society.

Now those are the matter of social revolution for which ‘will power’ of society and individual are needed. But there are matters where we need to see political will from government to bring the revolution to uproot corruption but we all are disheartening to see that much impetus from the common man also failed to shake the government. Is this democracy? Or we call it banana republic. That should be a proper name for it. I had faith on integrity of our honorable prime minister but it’s quite shaken now. I don’t know whether its Manmohan Singh’s own decision to confront the civil society in this manner or he is compelled to do that but whatever is the reason he cannot escape now in the disguise of apolitical gentleman. The course taken by his government in recent wake of event is condemnable and bizarre for a democratic government. I take pride in democracy of my country and I cannot accept any action from government which is direct deterrence from the path of democracy and make a mockery of our constitution. I will support Anna Hazare and civil society not for the Jan Lokpal bill but to defend the rights which have been conferred to us by our constitution. I will support Anna Hazare just not for the passing a suitable lokpal bill but to bring the revolution in our society and wake the youth of this country from the slumber. Jai Hind

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Changing Change :)

I feel so good for writing after a long gap, and not sure whether I can finish it off. I have been away from blogging for a long time. Past 3 month has been turbulent for me and I had lots of unexpected change in my life and I am still in anticipation of more unexpected change. My nature is embracing more and more dynamicism as I am proceeding towards a more mature age. Any anticipated change in my life is not final until it really happened. On 14th June I decide to move to Mumbai and start packing for it, but instead I find myself in Bangalore on June 19th. So I can really say that ‘Never say never’. Now I am talking non-sense (In your words, All these makes sense for meJ; now stop it honey) .In Summary my life is changing and will continue to do so in future J (signs telling me so J ). So what are the changes: for instances I started liking and watching ‘Friends’ ;): Now that’s crap, I am again talking nonsense. Any way if you are trying to read this blog completely then I must warn you that you will find lots of crap, now it’s on you that how you bear it J.

So another change is that now I am in Bangalore. Nice weather, greenery and nice scenes, in short I am liking it. Sometime instead of reading newspaper in bus (which I used to do in Chennai) I keep looking outside. I am kind of enchanted with the city; you might think me as a child who comes from a small town to the big city for the first time, though it’s not first for me but believe me ‘with me everything thing is first’. What I am really missing now: A boyfriend with bike to stroll all over the city ;). Crap again, can’t stop me, gooodd J .

Another change: Cabinet reshuffle happened yesterday. Now how does it involve me: It does, because I did not like it. I did not like Jairam Ramesh to be moved from MOEF to Rural development, I see a hell lot of conspiracy behind it. Government might show it as elevation of post for Mr. Ramesh and reward for his good work and he might accept it happily (Not sure whether he really is that’s inside story) but it’s a conspiracy to appease corporate world, he might have been rewarded in another way. Any way I just hope that Jayanthi Natarajan keep doing the Jairam Ramesh’s good work as she is quite qualified to do so, and I really do hope that Jairam Ramesh brings a whole new revolution in area of Rural Development as he did in environment ministry.

That’s too much now , I am going to stop now. Seeeee I completed this blog. Good work Honey, take a lesson: do not doubt on yourself in future J . Crap again, too much. Bye for now. God bless you for finishing this J

Monday, February 7, 2011

My Bapu

A cool breeze swept through the world at the hot bloody weathered world when world was reeling under the violence everywhere – somewhere in name of independence, somewhere in name of ethnic cleansing, somewhere in name of colonizing and power game. The fragrance of the soothing wind is still there in atmosphere even after the 63 years when a blow tried to stop it. It still soothe me at the time of my agony, it still provide me a gentle and cold breeze when I feel choked by the indecent game in form of corruption, violence and dirty politics being played around me. It still guides me to the path when I get diverted from it.
Yes this cool breeze is in form of father of nation. A father who might have made mistakes, but never failed his family, a father who starved himself to feed his family, a father who taught self-respect and alter ego-respect to family even in hour of desperation.
The ideology of Mahatma Gandhi is not confined to “offer other cheek if been slapped on one” which is the usual notion. “Offer another cheek” ideology forced us to think in a manner which was unknown hitherto. It’s not necessary to practice the ideology in real life to be a Gandhinian but it more important to understand the nuisance behind it. A natural human instinct prompts us to strike back as an instant response to violence, what is more important is to suppress this instant natural instinct which can cause many disaster and we might rue it in future. This is what this Gandhinian ideology trains us to do.
Gandhinian ideology makes one prudent in decision, brave in situation and adamant on ideation which is the characteristics of a strong personality.
When you ask whether his idea is applicable to this world or not my answer will be a big YES. It’s applicable to every part of life and to everyone, whether it’s a corporate person, or sales executive, or an environmental activitist, or a pressure group, or a movement steerer. You follow his simple idea and you will be at top of world with complete peace of mind.
When congress working committee decided to launch non cooperation movement and was deliberating from where they should commence it, everyone was awestruck when Gandhiji suggested salt. Even British laughed at idea. But Gandhiji just knew that if he commence by breaking land law (which was the general feeling in congress) the common mass of India cannot connect to it as most of them do not own any land, so breaking of this law will not be in any scenario relevant to them or profit them. But salt was the only commodity which binds rich and poor alike. And success of movement made historian to see the light behind Gandhiji great managerial mind which was capable to think in a way which nobody dare to think. And this mind was in sync of the mind of millions of people’s aspiration which shows a way to sustainable development in today’s cut-throat competetitive and corporative world.
When you ask me whether it’s possible to follow his ideology. Again my answer is a big YES. If a person can grasp the ideology of socialism, capitalism, Marxism, Confucius which all are woven around many complex social and political wires then why it is difficult to follow Gandhigiri which has only one and simple concept – ‘Love’. Love all irrespective of their origin and birth. If a person hurts you then hate the deed of person and pledge to never do that, do not hate the person as this hate will put you on the same foot as the person you want to hate. This simple ideology has revolutionary strength to change the world and make a heaven out of it. Trust me to love a person is easier than to hate. Hate corrupt our mind and we lose our tranquility The idea of non-violence comes out of this love. You cannot afford to hurt the person you love
Gandhiji transformed my life in many ways. He taught me idea of self control and firmness of character. He has shown me other way of thinking which was unimaginable for me. His character of firmness and his ability to endure inspire me for all moment of my life and hold me together. There are problems and there will always be some problems but relevancy of Gandhiji will always let me solve those problems in a ways which will not create more problems out of it.
Many of us abuse our father (real father ) in many form, sometimes feel that he is the big impediment of our life, but at the end we come to a realization which shows us that we were wrong, and then we begin to know the man behind him who was always concealed behind the face which our immature and childish eye saw, who always thought only and only of our well being.
If this is the story of a family then why the story of nation as a family would be different. Here too a father is subject of regular assault and degradation by his desperate children who with their short term vision does not understand his ideology. But they will understand.I don’t want to go further into the allegation and truth related to it, as I am planning to write more on this. What my simple wish here is to show a Bapu, a true Bapu and as I proudly say my ‘BAPU’ :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Responsible or irresponsible????

Not long ago in a meeting of particular institute, someone asked a question. Question was something similar to this: the institute boasts and do lot for CSR , but what about the children who work here. Isn’t management encouraging child labor? Management’s answer was that it’s not in their notice that any child is working but they will take cognizance of this issue and find out more on this. In next meeting management clarified that none of the person working inside the institution is below 18 and administration takes necessary steps to implement minimum age bar. If any person working inside the campus looks below 18 then it just because of their appearance not because of age.
Bravo!!!!!!!! Kudos to management and the concerned associates that they prevented the child labour. Did they?
When the question was asked I was sitting wondering at my place (but I didn’t say anything since it was not a forum to discuss child labor). But just think about a child with age 14 working in pantry, who lost his job after the issue came in cognizance of management. Now he is employed in a cracker’s factory, playing with dangerous and hazardous condition.
What a better way to discharge our social responsibility!!!
Lets 1st discuss the technical aspect of the problem.At first a child is permitted to work after 14 (with parent consent), after 16 (without any consent) in any non-hazardous and non-exploitative job. What could be better place than that institute for him to work which is safe, clean and source of contact with knowledgeable people.
I would have been happier if management would have come with approach that through its CSR programme it would have ensured a proper education and proper living condition for all children working inside the campus.
India is a poor country and child labour problem could not be solved by just not employing child. Boycotts is not the solution, it might make the situation graver.For example, a UNICEF study found that after the Child Labor Deterrence Act was introduced in the US, an estimated 50,000 children were dismissed from their garment industry jobs in Bangladesh, leaving many to resort to jobs such as “stone-crushing, street hustling, and prostitution”, jobs that are “more hazardous and exploitative than garment production”. The study suggests that boycotts are “blunt instruments with long-term consequences that can actually harm rather than help the children involved.”
Solution is to ensure a healthy, safe and respectful environment for child to work and also make the employer take responsibility to provide a mandatory education of working child. We cannot just throw a working child out and boycott taking a willing child and think that we are champion of social cause. If a poor child is willing to work and want to make a place for himself/herself and his/her family in this world then it’s our responsibility to guide them according to their ability and show them the way which will take them to their bright future.

A Resolution

Second changes into minute, minute into hour, hour into day, day into week, week into month, month into year, year into decade and part of us changes with it without realizing the presence and effect of change. I hardly understand the intricacies of the life but find myself entangled into this intricate web. I hardly have any idea how to come out of it. The more I ponder over solution more I get myself capsized into the problem.George Orwell has stated his view on the structure of society in 1984. More or less Society has always been composed of three groups: Higher class, middle class and lower class. Conflict between these classes is traced way back to history. Higher class struggle to retain the position where they are and middle class try to snatch the position of higher class by means of lower class. They takes means of ideology like liberty, freedom, socialism, equality, fraternity etc etc to win support of lower class and fight the higher class. Once they achieve their target they became higher class and again a new middle class emerges to take the position to fight against higher class. French revolution is the classic example of this dual nature class war. But always the people at the rung of lowest ladder in society lose despite the fact they make the ladder through which people climb to the highest echelons.Now you must be wondering why suddenly I jumped from my problem to the class war. I was forced to think how slowly and may be unknowingly I am converting into something and resorting onto means which is propelling me to discover a complete new identity.A simple example is when I went to buy onion, onion price is soaring high, and I was appalled at the sky rocketed price, and so do millions of middle class Indians who cannot live without onion. Forget about lower class they have already removed onion from their daily meal list. Now this middle class’s rage will compel government to take stern action which might result into softening the price. Have any one ever thought about the losses farmers made because of crops loss resulted from unpredicted weather flood and other natural devastation, which is the main reason for high price of commodity. Have we ever thought to share their burden by buying crops into high prices (though high price never results in profit for actual farmer) or reduce our consumption to manage our budget? It doesn’t matter for us if we spent thousands in restaurants and hundreds in junk food, but we are quite capable to bend government priority from real issue (to tackle the problem of agriculture and farmer) to short term measurement like price control for onion price which is pricking our neck. All mighty middle class and their power, I am again wondering that am I becoming part of those?All banks flocks at our gate to provide loan at throw away interest rate to us for buying car, bungalow, for spending a holiday on luxurious yacht. A poor farmer has difficulty in arranging few thousands for him from bank. If he ever manage to get some rupees then that also at high interest rate from money lenders or from the new variety of modern moneylender who are known as micro finance today. This results most of the time in suicide in case of non-payment. Banks does not have money to lend poor farmer as they are happily lending all those money to us for fulfilling our luxurious life style. A poor farmer results in poor crops which results in shortage and ultimately government imports or subsidize commodity for our appeasement instead of looking into the bottom of the problem. Again the mighty middle class controls all. Why do we worry if our stomach is full, we control the country.I am worried, I see myself among those middle class, perhaps unknowingly and indirectly, but I am there. I am sinking deep and deep into the mud which I always detested and tried to avoid. Sometimes I feel I am also on the path which all middle class took to reach at high level – through talk of equality, fraternity, liberty and freedom. Talk, talk and talk. I hate to think myself into shoes of those self proclaimed reformer and thinker. My New Year resolution is to detach myself from all these in all possible way and make it as simple as possible. Make those ideologies not a way to reach at top but way to live my live. Happy resolution :)