Tuesday, January 18, 2011
A Resolution
Second changes into minute, minute into hour, hour into day, day into week, week into month, month into year, year into decade and part of us changes with it without realizing the presence and effect of change. I hardly understand the intricacies of the life but find myself entangled into this intricate web. I hardly have any idea how to come out of it. The more I ponder over solution more I get myself capsized into the problem.George Orwell has stated his view on the structure of society in 1984. More or less Society has always been composed of three groups: Higher class, middle class and lower class. Conflict between these classes is traced way back to history. Higher class struggle to retain the position where they are and middle class try to snatch the position of higher class by means of lower class. They takes means of ideology like liberty, freedom, socialism, equality, fraternity etc etc to win support of lower class and fight the higher class. Once they achieve their target they became higher class and again a new middle class emerges to take the position to fight against higher class. French revolution is the classic example of this dual nature class war. But always the people at the rung of lowest ladder in society lose despite the fact they make the ladder through which people climb to the highest echelons.Now you must be wondering why suddenly I jumped from my problem to the class war. I was forced to think how slowly and may be unknowingly I am converting into something and resorting onto means which is propelling me to discover a complete new identity.A simple example is when I went to buy onion, onion price is soaring high, and I was appalled at the sky rocketed price, and so do millions of middle class Indians who cannot live without onion. Forget about lower class they have already removed onion from their daily meal list. Now this middle class’s rage will compel government to take stern action which might result into softening the price. Have any one ever thought about the losses farmers made because of crops loss resulted from unpredicted weather flood and other natural devastation, which is the main reason for high price of commodity. Have we ever thought to share their burden by buying crops into high prices (though high price never results in profit for actual farmer) or reduce our consumption to manage our budget? It doesn’t matter for us if we spent thousands in restaurants and hundreds in junk food, but we are quite capable to bend government priority from real issue (to tackle the problem of agriculture and farmer) to short term measurement like price control for onion price which is pricking our neck. All mighty middle class and their power, I am again wondering that am I becoming part of those?All banks flocks at our gate to provide loan at throw away interest rate to us for buying car, bungalow, for spending a holiday on luxurious yacht. A poor farmer has difficulty in arranging few thousands for him from bank. If he ever manage to get some rupees then that also at high interest rate from money lenders or from the new variety of modern moneylender who are known as micro finance today. This results most of the time in suicide in case of non-payment. Banks does not have money to lend poor farmer as they are happily lending all those money to us for fulfilling our luxurious life style. A poor farmer results in poor crops which results in shortage and ultimately government imports or subsidize commodity for our appeasement instead of looking into the bottom of the problem. Again the mighty middle class controls all. Why do we worry if our stomach is full, we control the country.I am worried, I see myself among those middle class, perhaps unknowingly and indirectly, but I am there. I am sinking deep and deep into the mud which I always detested and tried to avoid. Sometimes I feel I am also on the path which all middle class took to reach at high level – through talk of equality, fraternity, liberty and freedom. Talk, talk and talk. I hate to think myself into shoes of those self proclaimed reformer and thinker. My New Year resolution is to detach myself from all these in all possible way and make it as simple as possible. Make those ideologies not a way to reach at top but way to live my live. Happy resolution :)
new year resolution
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