Thursday, November 15, 2012

Cradle of life

Not a while ago I came across a tweet from Narendra Modi "From time immemorial India has been the mine of precious ideas to human society". My purpose to quote this specific tweet is not to discuss Modi ji or his ideology, which is immaterial in this context. The meaning hidden in the sentence drew my attention. Statement itself is not extra ordinary and we come across it several times
From time immemorial India has been the mine of precious ideas to human society
From time immemorial UK has been the mine of precious ideas to human society
From time immemorial Egypt has been the mine of precious ideas to human society
From time immemorial Ethopia has been the mine of precious ideas to human society
From time immemorial USA has been the mine of precious ideas to human society
From time immemorial Christanity has been the mine of precious ideas to human society
From time immemorial Islam has been the mine of precious ideas to human society

A cursory glimpse at the statement forced me to think – What is actually India? What is human society and what ideas are precious? What is special with India or any other countries to claim to be bearer of humanity?
Each individual serves the mother earth in his/her own way so do the each country. Evolution of human spawn human society and hence any place on earth bearing human imprint can claim to be a mine of ideas for human society. Claiming to be a contributor is not wrong but when this claim turn into arrogance then there starts the real problem.
This simple statement is the root of “clash of civilization”.
The base of each problem the world is facing today which may even be termed as existential threat for human being belongs to a simple thinking – “My belief is better than yours, my ideology is better than yours, my religion is better than yours, my god is better than yours”. It may look too simpleton cause for the problem of humanity but it is as basic for conflict as the food for life.
Who decides the definition of civilisation, who decides what is modern and what is traditional and who decides what is good or bad for the humanity. Constantly bringing new ideas forward is the basic human tenet and this is what differentiates human from other mammal. Hence bringing ideas are good but arrogance creeps in when one assumes inevitability of these ideas to survive.
16th century onward the industrialisation of western countries brought enormous fortune hence industrialisation become norm for modernisation. It’s a sacred philosophy which has been accepted blindly to achieve prosperity.  Tenet of our belief can be summed up as:  more machines -> modernistion -> prosperity -> happiness.
The ultimate aim of human life is to achieve happiness and contentment. Moving forward to achieve happiness is the ultimate definition of modernisation. Hence it makes me curious how a person with tons of gadget and adequate technical knowledge (but still unsatisfied) can be more modern than a happy farmer with small land but ample produce for his/her family and his/her society. Who decides who is modern and who isn’t? Who decides the scientific discovery of nuclear war head is more modern than a discovery of contour farming to sustain farming in hill side. What is more modern?
To be continued....................

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