Thursday, June 20, 2013

Adaptation to alteration – Is human race knocking the door of Dark Age?

World is moving fast, as fast as sometimes I feel my head spinning.  Every day one and other technologies are constantly becoming obsolete by one or other new technologies. Dynamicism is at its zenith and everything is in it’s engulf. Rate of technological progress has far exceeded the rate of human population growth.

So, are we at the height of civilization, or as we say height of renaissance or age of enlightenment?
Let me define the word enlightenment, of course as per my own definition. Enlightening is a beautiful word and it has ability to give a beautiful meaning to one’s existence. An enlightened human is a complete human being with complete cognizance of his/her surrounding and ability to cope with it effectively keeping in mind of every macro and micro life existed in planet. Is today’s technocratism leading to us to that?
Since the time of Darwin mankind has known the secret of adaptism. Adaptation has become the buzzword and has been the matter of pride for mankind. But in the subsequent 250 years, concept of adaption was slowly replaced by concept of alteration. Alteration is the buzzword today – if we can’t adapt, we alter. If we can’t cope up with nature we alter the nature itself. Technological progress, genetic modification, destruction of natural habitat, examples are numerous.

When we talk about impending danger on human race (only human race actually, other species are encouraged to preserve just to facilitated existence of human race, i.e. to maintain balance in ecosystem) by global warming and numerous other reason, we only talk about macro facilitator like logging, mining, infrastructure etc etc. We never talk about the micro development in our life which is actually leading to these macro reasons. We never talk about everyday small small technological invention or innovation. We hail those technocracies as they make our life simpler.  Writing a letter was replaced by mobile phone. Not only time taken in communication was greatly reduced it also relieved the pain inflicted by pen on delicate hand of human being.  Pen is replaced by keypad or keyboard which was faster and much easier.  Very soon human hand stared tiring out with keypad and then came the touch screen. Why push a button to type, just touch it. Several micro second of human life was saved by switching from pushing to touching. Now we are tired of touching to, our delicate hand is gradually becoming incapable of doing that, so we are coming up next with smart phone which can understand from our gesture what we want, after some years they would be capable to compile our mind directly and work accordingly. We don’t even have to blink our eyes. Some time it’s just dreadful to think that where it is going to stop? Earlier we used our brain to adapt ourselves to our environment, but now we are slave of our brain and working tirelessly to face altercation with our environment.

We have to know where the stopping point is. The much talked invention and innovation have to have some limit. And that limit should be defined by their usefulness in our ecosystem. Today millions of human being is involved in this mindless innovation in order to make human life much simpler. But this is resulting in making our life much complex and thrusting us to a kind of dark age where everything would be beyond our comprehension.  When nature shows its wrath, we are as helpless as those cave man of 12000 BC with more damage which could ever been inflicted in history of mankind. How technology has made it better. Instead of participating in mindless technological race (Google, Microsoft, IBM etc etc) why aren't we putting our energy into real human problem - the problem of disaster, suffering, poverty, population, habitat loss, species extintion, again the list is very long. 

I might sound like a doomsday predictor moron but we are at the juncture of falling into a dark pit from where it would be near impossible for human race to recover.  We have to say enough is enough. We have thought enough about our own comfort and development. We have achieved enough. Now it’s the time to think about those who have been constantly neglected in 10000 years history of mankind. Now it’s time to go back. Now it’s time to go back to nature and nurture it. We have graduated from the college of development long back and forgotten all our lessons. It’s time to go back to school to learn the basic.


  1. The complete blog is extremely insightful & true...Particularly these lines are standing out:

    "But in the subsequent 250 years, concept of adaption was slowly replaced by concept of alteration. Alteration is the buzzword today – if we can’t adapt, we alter. If we can’t cope up with nature we alter the nature itself. "

  2. Age of enlightenment is a big thing according to me :-) My take on enlightened human is ... An enlightened human is a complete human being with complete cognizance and control on his/her surrounding and ability to remain stable in sorrow and happiness, keeping in mind that every macro/micro life exists/transforms in universe follow the rule of cause and effect. Believing that nether sorrow nor happiness is absolute.You are basically talking about internet and electronic based technological race. Let us imagine a situation.. let us isolate India from the race of Techno achievements. We will find that we have become aloof from many information/innovation. Those innovations may impact our other technological areas like defense. Which we can't afford being neighbor of Pakistan and China. We must have a global regulatory body which can decide about a technological product to be used by human or not. which is impossible in this age of entrepreneurial independence and innovation. Techno race in the field of medical science must continue, as it helped to find out cure for many disease. iPad and Smartphone have become mode of communication to get treatment from a distant doctor or uploading information about victims of the Uttarakhand flood.If we really want to address the issue of suffering, poverty or grief in lives then we should work as a member of CSR/NGO. To act as a human being is more important than controlling a Techno race. Without being in a Techno race doesn't confirm that we will act for the betterment of our society/environment.
    Darkness can never knock till we fill our hearts with darkness. Fast growing technology is not directly proportional to increasing socio-environmental issues. Sometimes not moving with pace in such race can impact our GDP, in turn, seriously impacting our socio-economic-environmental responsibilities. We can't wait till a global regulatory system gets established. We must seek fix in parallel.Business and Kindness can go hand in hand. All It requires is the right attitude/balance. Keep posting. :-)

  3. Thanks for the comment :) . I am not talking about any electronics or internet based technological development, they are just a very small example in very big perspective. And I definitely did not write about an Indian or all,I guess even my blog has "human race" as its title. Competition, Pakistan, China doesn't come into picture at all. Every human being on this planet is connected in one or other way. Any changes have to be come with complete evolution or as we say in these days - revolution. Depletion of amazon forest might not affect Brazil that much but it can have serious ramification for India or any other countries (again its just a tiny example).
    I never said that technological development have not benefited us, what all i said that there should be some stopping point to retrospect the whole thing.
    If poverty or grief could be removed by CSR/NGO then it would have been wiped up from world long ago. CSR is such a petty thing or you can say such a petty cover on big scale wrong doing that even spending 2% of profit mandatorily, is a nightmare for big corporate. SO dreaming of solving the problem through CSR can only be proved as day dreaming. Any way I dont want to start on CSR. My whole point here was draw attention to where the real problem lies.
    Of Course to act as a human being is more important and that is what my whole point was. and who was talking about controlling the techno race or just not being in techno race? My contention was to direct our energy in the right direction. Our mundane policy direction (I am not talking about only India here) is only about thinking GDP growth, sometimes pulling poverty number down etc. You solve one problem and in the process creates thousand more problems. Human life is intricated in such way that nothing is possible until we don't proceed to simplify it. As your definition of enlightened man ( Which I consider more as an educated man's definition), our generation or may be next two generation can live life happily but future of earth is doomed. iPhone and tablet might have helped in reporting Uttarakhand problem but they did not help in preventing this disaster, If only they must have helped in aggravating it. Again don't misunderstood that I am opposed to it. It is kind of same as we say that we are more connected but in reality we human race are lost as we never been in through out the history of man kind (I am not talking about individual here).
    I know what I am talking about is an abstract idea and seems very impractical at the moment or for many years to come. But I know its in the mind of many individuals and many more understands it and many are implementing it at individual basis. We can only hope that man kind can learn its lesson before mother nature is too severe on us for our crime.

  4. Fair enough,dear lady :-) I like reading your blog.
