Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Towards the end of decade———————————
10 years or 1 decade seems a very small tiny number when we take account of 200000 years (200,000 years since humans started looking like they do today), but its a significant number in an indivisual human life. 21st century came with many promises of prosperity, development and human achievment. now its about to complete its 1st 10 year.Its not been much time since when i saw world entering in a new era,in a new millenium with my own surprised and full of dream eyes.The advent of 21st century brought much more surprises and anxieties with it. It stormed into our life like a missile and blew all of us with its surprises and unpredictibility.on the eve of 31st december, 1999 whole world gaped at the upcoming new century with anxiety of Y2K problem. It wasn’t enough, after trespassing Y2K gaint, we again found ourselves in tangled web of DOT COM bubble burst.people couldn’t even breathe properly after these problems, then came the gaint of gaint which shook whole world and changed the whole demography- 9/11.An unformidable foe, to which we Indians have already been fighting for around a decade, finally came face to face with whole world. suddenly world recognized that apart from hunger, mortality we have one more bigger probelm who doesn’t recognize any border, religion, caste or country — Terrorism. The after effect of 9/11 is known to every one, and its heat is being felt till now, it not anly changed the mentality of world super power but also manipulated many old alliances and resulted in new and unthinkable reliances. result of 9/11 was war on Afganistan and Iraq, because of which we saw elimination of taliban from Afganistan and accession of Hamid Karzai. also it led to fall of a Iron Man from world stage who continued to be a constant headache for world powers-Saddam Hussain,whole decade is so dynamic and vibrant that we hardly felt time gap between its start and coming end, but ofcourse we felt a scorching heat of it.year 2002 saw the advent of new currency EURO in the world economic stage, which is presumed to challenge the dominance of dollar.rest of the decade was also full of news with many terrorists attack on different places (Madrid, Bali) and natural devastation like tsunami, hurricane katrina, flood and many more. But final nail on the coffin was the approaching end of decade- year 2008.2008 brought unprecedented economic crisis, which was severest after 1930s depression era. recession started with fall of heavy weight Lehman brothers and it drowned almost whole world with its unstoppable tide. People panicked while share markets across whole world crashes and unemployment roses. Ultimately end of the 2008 , terrorism shown its brutal face to world throgh 26/11 Mumbai attack.But story does not complete here, 2009 brought a small ray of hope among us as economic shown some sign of recovery and the stimulus package by all government inverted the danger of upcoming depression. We failed at the front of environment protection as our govenment could not able to drew a deal out of Copenhagen at end of 2009, but our hope have not failed yet.this decade have also brought lots of hope. Accession of India at world economic and political front was particulary encouraging as it ensures that voice of around 1/6rd people of world will be better heard and it will lead us to a better, prosper and harmonious world. election of Barack Obama in America once again proved the power of people and power of democracy. Rise of google ensures an unpresendented flow of information, and every indivisual on this world now feels empowered with information which they needed.The end of decade is imminent, at the night of 31st december, 2009 12.01 pm we all will enter in another new decade. Despite of all turbulence of last decade hope is all time high. New decade will certainly bring us promise of a safe, green, prosper and beautiful world, If we take a resolution today that all of us as an indivisual will fullfill our duty towards our family, country, friends, earth, environment and all the inhabitant of this universe. A very happy new year to all of you. May this years brings you all happiness which you have desired for . Welcome 2010 .
Monday, December 28, 2009
Idiots, rebellious or brilliant- watch out
Hey you idiot, dont you have eye to see, how can you do things like that. You are a big idiot, hopeless to the core. There are endless idiots in our country which are constantly being snapped for thier idiocy. Idiots, which are failed to understand the system, idiots who listen to thier inner voice and failed to understand the society expectation imposed upon them, idiots who wants to feel and breathe in this dead system, idiots who want to achieve and want to break the deadlock, idiots who failed to understand that why its bad to have a simple desire- ‘happiness’. So, are our 3 idiots going to change the definition of ‘Idiot’.A strict professor, who values each minute of life, whose constant and diligent effort for 32 years has put his institution on the top of world, but what he failed to understand is a simple number- number of 32. instead of having all capability, he lacks a simple quality- flexibility. He failed to understand that what made him successful 32 years ago, needs to be amended according to this generation’s need, as time is also changing with each minutes of life, hence need of time too. so who is the idiot now, thats not for me to decide . ‘3 idiots’ imposed some serious question upon us. The movie( rarest of rare) embrace its audiences and let them flow with its current. very few Hindi movie indeed have capability to do so, so often we find ourselves choked with the weight of nonsenses which they try to impose upon us. The simple way, through which it try to tell us what it wants to convey, just blow all of us away. No hard and complicated emotions, no boredom, no complexity of meaningful movies, no subtle meaning hidden inside, for which we need to break our head or have to be too smart to understand that. It just makes us laugh and with that smiley and energetic face we understands everything. we find a different person inside us when we come out of theatre and we actually dont need any 1st jan to make a new resolution, we just simply know that time has come now. We instantly know, its we who are making our life so difficult for us with so many thing in our mind that before taking any steps we only see the things around us which we can loose. In this ‘our made’ life , in which we have everything to loose, very few to gain. At an instant we want to go to life , like Rancho, in which we have everything to gain , nothing to loose. where we have no fear, only have excitement to learn and to enlighten. We simply realises our passion and know that only by following it we can nurture our family, society, country and ultimately this universe. Ultimately we find ourselves. So friend, stop being an idiot or start being one (for you to decide). 3 idiots raju, farhaan and Rancho rocks, so do we :)……….
USA-an Angel or Demon
I am born in a country, in which i am taught to be proud on my country (for what, they never explain me). As an obedient kid i always followed that. I am born in a country, which started its journey as a socialist, who was supisious about anything realated to capitalism and always tried to find evil in that. I am born in a society in which people could, in a blink of eyes, term you as traitor, sycophant, blood sucker enemy of poor, if by mistake you mention the name of United State Of America in some good perspective. And as i said being a very faithful member of this society i always beleived that. I always saw government in askance if they took some friendly steps towards USA and always termed it as capitulating country to some superpower and catapulting us again in slavery. But friends , I am born in a country which also taught me to open your mind and come out of prejudices and shed some light on other side of fact, after all we are very few among in this world who can claim to have freedom of expression.United State of America- a country which became emblem of freedom, democracy, equality, human right and endless dream of millions. A country with very few hundreds years of history, but with splendid achievent in those few years. A country of Benjamin Franklin and George Washington. USA was 1st discovered by Christopher Columbus(in 1493) but the 1st european to land in today’s known USA was Juan Ponce De leon (in 1513). It was later colonised by many country like Spain, Portugal, France, Russia and finaaly by British. America was initially inhabitated by the British people, but mostly by the indentured labour from Britain. Thats where sentiment of American differed from colonial and arisocrat British. Suppression and negligence infuriated the American and accutated the sense of longing to freedom and equality. So, when America aquired its freedom, it became the 1st modern democratic nation and from there it started its journey towards freedom, equality and prosperity. Though there were some backlashes like slavery, which resulted in civil war, but its never dies spirit did not let it to surrender its value and it continued its journey. It become the champion of people’s dream and example of USA encouraged many country to follow the suit. French Revolution is the radiant example of that. The foundation of country was laid by many great person in the history, among which Benjamin Franklin comes at front. Benjamin Franklin was one of the most innovationist and inventionist of the mankind history. His innovative ideas played a great role in laying the strong foundation of today’s known United States. The effort and idea of its forefather is what that drove this country towards greatness and keep effecting the future generations. This is 1st country in world which gave the mantra of, ‘Making money’ instead of aquiring it. People of America achieved and made money, they invented, they innovated, they made dollor they never seized it from any one. It is the 1st country which came out of its border and embrace all of those who have dream of making money, irrespective of thier race , nationality and gender. The list is never ending and can not be listed in this small blog. This is my tribute to all of those great American who by thier effort and instinct drove this world to a bright era from the dark. Good and bad always lies with any of great nations, all nations make mistake and US is not the exception. I love my country, because i am part of it. I respect United State of America because i am part of this world .
pathetic, outrageous, disappointing, ………………………………………………….
I am really at loss of word to describe my emotion. By seeing that, Whats happening in one particular state, I really started feeling that political parties can’t go more lower than this(but you never know they might dig up whole earth, 2*6378 km, to sink thier head more lower, despicable!!!!!!). One party leader, who think that he is above all constitution and all law, give commands or say- warning to all legislator to take oath in particular language otherwise they will have full right to create havoc and they wont be responsible for that because they have warned about that already. The matter here is not of having respect of any particular language or culture, which i am very much sure that they dont have any, matter is only to find a way to pull vote and let it be by any means. they cant think of real public problem,and how can they, its really not that easy. Doing a real work for public take much determination, time, strength which our leaders dont have. And why should they do it, when they can win vote just by spreading religionism, communilism, hatred between us. So who is the ultimate fool? When whole country is under the pressure of drought, downturn, increasing price , then our leaders are breaking each other’s head in assembly on the matter of language of oath being taken. How pityful, contemptuos? Who gave them right to take law in thier hand, but why I am asking this question. when they ever cared about the law and order. Golden rule is that more u break it, more the vote you get. So they always follow this golden rule. When they get expelled from legislation for thier extremely outrageous and uncultured behaviour, they get a heartdly welcome with garland from thier party as if they have just defied the British and help India to achieve something on which we could be proud of. Another day one another leader say something about another leader of being out of mind because of being aged. This create another havoc. How can anybody say anything about thier venerated leader? My question is when is his leader became such a nobel who cant be touched? God knows. even he cant be worshipped by all people, even he is subjected to criticism by many of us. But dont you dare to say anything about these so called venerated leader. What happen to tolerance of our leader? oops sorry why I am asking about thier tolerance, tolerance will not help sycophant like those to win the trust of thier nobel leader, who seems to enjoy thier god like position and bless us all. Bless India!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A tribute to Norman Borlaug:
Birth rate of world is 19.95 per year per 1000 total population. world population is around 6.7 billion. that means every year around 133 million is added to world population, so lets say that amount to around 9 Australian continent which is added to world population every year. My point here is not to show you some population bombardment which is happening on us every second, or to tell that death rate is around 8.23 deaths/1,000 population, which is around 55 million person each year. but to make you think that how many person among these 55 million, who vanishes from this world stage every year, leave their foot print behind them and ensure that 133-55=78 million(net remaining popoulation added to world in 1 year) people leave in peace on this beautiful world when they leave it. perhaps very few, but that few people only make a difference. Norman borlaug was one of these , ‘very few’. He died at 12 sep, 2009 at the age of 95, but before dying he saved more than 1 billion people from starving and ensured that this conitue even after his death. Norman Ernest Borlaug (March 25, 1914 – September 12, 2009)was an American agronomist, humanitarian, and Nobel Laureate who has been deemed the father of the Green Revolution. Borlaug received his Ph.D. in Plant Pathology and genetics from the University of Minnesota in 1942. He took up an agricultural research position in Mexico, where he developed semi-dwarf, high-yield, Disease-resistant wheat varieties. He is known as the father of green revolution in India. During 1960s, when food production in India was all time low and population was all time high, country men was on verge of being famished, then situation’s urgency made Dr. M.S. Swaminathan to make a request to government of India for arranging a visit of Borlaug to India. Norman Borlaug was working in Mexico, where he developed the new semi-dwarf, disease-resistant varieties wheat crops. That year, the harvest was six times larger than in 1944, the year Borlaug arrived in Mexico. Mexico had become fully self-sufficient in wheat production, and a net exporter of wheat. On request of Indian government he arrived India and suddenly the scenario is changed. The country which was shrugged off by world community as, over populated poor country who can not even feed itself, was tranformed into a world cereal house. Within 10 years of time India reached in condition to export grain to world community. That green revolution changed the India’s face forever on world stage. All this was made possible by Borlaug fervent detemination to make this world hunger free. He was the man who never differentaited between man based upon thier races, religion or nationality. Being an American , who was self sufficient and developed , he still overlooked from his country boundry and reach the nations who where still struggling with the basic problem like hunger, famine after getting thier independence. His contribution saved the world from going through greatest famine of centuries, and led to more research in genetic engineering. He got Nobel peace prize for his contibution in 1970 and was also awarded by Padma Vibhushan, India’s second highest civilian honour for a foreign citizen. His work and dedication will always drive us to look beyond our boundaries and lets hope that we would be able to make at least 1% of difference what he made to this world .
Nobel Prize-How much nobel?
Nobel Prize- Name itself bring a ripple in every country each year (especially in India, particularly if some person with far far connection with India gets it). Its a worlds most prestigious prize, given to the person in 6 distinct area related to science art and culture, and it brings a huge fortune plus recognition and respect for the person who gets it. So whats the conclusion? You are not good enough or your contribution to science or society is not valuable, if you dont get nobel prize. but never mind, a few month in Oval office can bring you the nobel peace prize, but not the 40 years of struggle for freedom that also through non-violent method. The man who taught the world real meaning of peace and non-violence, who shows them a new way to achieve thier rightful right other than violence was never thought as an eligible candidate. But forget about him, i dont think any award in this world is eligible to accolade him. He is larger than life and way above these petty awards.Reading the news of Mr. Obama getting the nobel peace prize in newspaper left my mouth wide agape, i dont think even Mr. Obama will blame me for this. I am a huge fan of him, but that doesn’t make me gasp the logic behind nobel prize committee. “Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics, a statement released by the Norwegian Nobel Committee said, lauding his vision of a world without nuclear weapons”- So vision is all which matter in getting prize. Hey even I keep this vision of great, green, peaceful, unified and prosperous world, Are you listening Mr. committee person?Give me the nobel peace prize . I deeply appreciate the Mr. Obama’s good intensions and his policy but i think even he must be as surprise as me upon this development. he has not achieved anything substanstial in his tenure yet. Afganistan is in much more worse condition, Iraq is still burning, on climate change he have not yet achieved any consensus for emission cut, Iran is still obstinate and relationship with them are still not improved, Isareal and palesteian issues are still as it was in Bush era. What he have done till now is talk, Not even 1% of those talk has been implemented yet. I would agree to the argument that let us give him time to realise these all dream, but shouldn’t nobel committee wait till the time when affect of these talks come into reality. Well these is already done and cant be undone so just lets hope that in future Nobel Prize committe doesn’t face shame because of thier decision and Mr. Obama keeps thier hope.This year Nobel Prize brought a uproar even in India. Guess why? Its not that difficult, reason is given at the 2nd line of this blog. 60 years of independence has gone but we still dont find a true Indian to cheer for. Hence our search is still on to find some person with international recognition who have a slight indian connection to be proud on ourselves. Nobel prize for chemistry to Tamil Nadu-born Venkatraman Ramakrishnan brought a huge euphoria in country and especially in Tamilnadu but after the remarks made by Dr Ramakrishnan against this euphoria brought another debate in country, this time about his insensitivity towards his native country. God, when will we grow up? It is Dr Ramakrishnan’s choice to belonging to place, if he doesn’t feel connected to countrymen’s emotion why should we enforce it upon him. He has done a very right thing to us, we should take the lesson. We never stopped applauding Laxmi Mittal(one time Britain’s richest man) as Indian, but his son Aditya clearly said that he is not an Indian but a British national and we should understand that he is not. He is as foreigner to us as Gorden Brown. So lets learn to treat Dr Ramakrishnan’s achievent as we treat his fellow Thomas E Steitz (US)’s and Ada E Yonath (Israel)’s, who also got nobel prize in chemistry. Its very rightly said by him instead of applauding him we should focus on science and hence creating a condusive environment for generating nobel lauterate, who is true Indian. Then only we can be really proud on our fellow country men’s achievement. So stop fussing over NRI’s achievements and accept the fact that they are not indian and please lets not enforce indianity over them, its thier choice lets respect that.
government austerity drive- a mere stunt?
Government is on austerity campaign and our media is on fierce campaign of finding hidden meaning behind it. We are so short of news and topics to discuss. There is only one topic is remain now- whether Rahul Gandhi’s journey from Delhi to Ludhiyana in Shatabdi express is an austerity measure or just a publicity stunt. Even some are busy in digging that after spending 39 years of lavish life Rahul Gandhi remembers austerity now, and so do Sonia ji. Some argue that, in this perilous time which is hit by drought, government should take some solid measure instead of this austerity stunt. For god sake, when we start seeing some goodness in government’s act. Ok, I agree that Pranav Mukherjee have Maharastra election in his mind (which might or might not be true), when he started this campaign, but my point is whats wrong in such kind of deed, atleast they are not murdering or rigging the poll to win election. India will become real and great democracy if all political party starts taking such kind of measure in order to win the election. I agree on 2nd point also that such kind of situation, where millions of people are on the verge of hunger because of drought, need great, solid action instead of such token gesture as austerity, but my point is, whats wrong in this gesture also, why to include it while asking government to take some solid measure. why cant we simply ask government to take action without mentioning thier austerity drive. Let them do both the things. Another point, may be Rahul Gandhi is living his life very lavishly till now, but whats wrong if he is taking some token measure for austerity. Is that harming us? No, not at all. Its possible that Rahul could not countinue his drive , but it might inspire milllions of indian to follow the austere life, and even if 10 of them embrace it, that stunt is also worth to perform . My last objection is on the publicity, which media is giving to this. Just stop publisizing it and see whether our politicians are still willing to follow it when nobody is watching them. Whatever the consequences or outcome of this auterity drive of government, but I am happy to see that something like this still come to our politicians mind, which is good sign for our democracy. Thumps up to Pranav Mukherjee..
So, one more year is being added to the India’s after independence history. What’s the conclusion? India is getting older or more matured? Of course very few evidence might suggest, us as being a mature nation but there are a lot more event which will certainly prove that we are getting old, with ample stubborn within us but very less degree of maturity. We are the nation of perfectionist. How can it possible to be anything wrong with us? if we are not able to achieve anything or living in some doom condition that’s all because of our government, police, bureaucracy, our neighbor, sometimes our teacher, boss and so many people. See how we can succeed if so many people are behind us, looking for a chance to pull us out of this life race, otherwise we are perfectionist. You would often find several people sitting on chaupal in Bihar, playing card and bragging about Bihari’s achievement and complaining about government. One day I encountered such people, they were boasting that biharis are at the top of each educational field. That amazed me, I asked but Bihar literacy rate is only 49%. The man got angry on me , he gave me example of some particular year in which one particular bihari was topper in IAS exam, he said proudly that it was bihari, none other else. Oh, man for god sake come out of this. I thought (I didn’t say him anything), what about the other 50-60 other IAS topper, they were certainly from the other state, so what’s special about this one. That’s the problem with people, they know the weakness is inside them, they try to hide it by showing the achievement of few people and by consoling themselves that they couldn’t achieve anything because of system, otherwise they would have been on the top of the world. This is not only the problem of Bihar, it’s ubiquitous everywhere in India. Take the example of print media; you might have seen videos which they run, when they talk about India’s achievement after independence. You will always see a few common people there, like Aishwarya Rai, Sachin Tendulkar, sometimes Kalpana Chawla, Amitabh Bacchan, sometimes Shahrukh Khan, Kapil Dev with world cup in hand and now Abhinav Bindra has also been included in this compact list. From my childhood I have been seeing these faces in video and I always wondered that whether India have so few achievers in its bucket and that also so unimportant to other part of world that they hardly even know them. These people are excellent people who have left a remarkable foot print on the particular area through which they are associated with. But in order to become a great country, a country needs to have a bunch of countless excellent people in each and every area. Think of America, a long list of people will come into your mind and because of these only it will take us at least a century to reach there, where America is sitting now, regardless of how much we brag about our achievements. It’s not that we don’t have talent or we lack of it, in fact we are the people who have actually been building the base on which country like America is flourishing. Truth is that we are still infected with the imperial mentality; we only get impressed with the object which glitters and are complacent that we have that few glittering object, who glitter in such an unfriendly environment which doesn’t let you glitter. That’s why we Indians are so great, Thumps up. Just look around you, you will get plethora of unsung talent, who are ready to take this country to next level. Some of them are even doing this. It’s not a Tendulkar, a Bacchan or a Rai who make the country; it’s actually those unsung heroes who help the country to achieve greatness. Of course these venerated people like Tendulkar are kind of beautiful flower in this big garden who adds extra beauty to this country’s garden, but few flowers don’t make the garden. It’s our duty to find more flower and beautify our garden, and if we could not find it then to produce it for our country garden. No forces in this world can stop us for doing this, because if there is a will then there is a way . So stop bragging and being complacent, because it’s time to act. JAI HO
why reservation?
What started as the noble purpose of our ancestors to uplift the socially deprived and backward community, has been turned into the undefeated political tool of our selfish, profane and idiot political leaders. Reservation has become a political buzzword in past 2 decades. After independence it was seen as an inevitable measure to bring the socially backward people, who were shattered by the centuries of suppression, to the main stream and lift their morale. It was envisioned that reservation will be reviewed after each 10 years to see the status of SC and ST, and once it is felt that objective has been met , reservation will be lifted. The important thing is that after 62 years of independence resevation is still there, flourishing more with each year added, and there is dim chance that in near 5000 years it is going to be abolished. So, what should we conclude from this , after 62 years of indendence these classes are still underprivileged and undeveloped. More irony is that more and more classes has actually been added to it. At the time of independence 22.5% people were underprivileged , now its 49.5% (after 2008 total reserved quota is 49.5%- 15% for SC, 7.5% for ST and 27% for OBC). So , instead of decreasing this %age of underprivileged people, Reservation has actuaaly increased it, this is the only conclusion which come in one’s mind from this whole discussion. whats the need of the system(reservation) which is only worsening the matter instead of rectifying it. Now the Talk is being done for the women’s quota in Parliament. I whole-heartedly deny any kind of reservation for any body in a civil and democratic society. What was noble at the time of indepence has now become the evil of indian society. In 21st century India is claiming to become the global power, just because it is empowered with its people. India’s people are adequately empowered with information and the vision of future. Only obstacle in thier growth is poverty. remove this obstacle, people of india will be prosperous in every aspect without any reservation. Reservation has just become a political tool of ‘divide and rule’ for political party whose only aim is to anyhow secure the power. British has gone from india, but it seems they have infused thier theory to our politicians’s mind very efficiently. Resevation will never allow casteism to root out from india, as it will only deepen the crisis. Why talk is being done to give reservation to women in parliament. Dont they think that women are suffieciently talented to achieve this on thier own. Isn’t it a tool to insult all women, that look you cant achieve this feat until and unless we dont reserve that for you. If you truely want to empowered women in society then take the concrete measure like taking anti dowry measure strictly, encourage your girl child to choose thier path, educate them, and let them decide what they want. Automatically 50% of parliament will be filled by women instead of proposed 33% reservation. My only request to our politician to come out of patronage mentality, you have been made by people of india, so work with them to empowered them , dont think of endowing them with something like king. This is democracy not monarchy for god sake. I appeal people to deny reservation on thier own and henceforth deny the politics related to this, then only we can make this country to our ideal country which we always dreamt for. Now the time has come to do this .
Jaswant singh’s book- Arises some real question
India is a democratic country, we have freedom to speech- how concietely we pronounce this when it comes to our comparison with China, because we could hardly compete with them in economic and social welfare perspective. So democracy is our undefeated shield against them. But in reality, do we really practice democracy in our country. Recent hue and cry of BJP over Jaswant Singh’s much publisized book, “Jinnah: India-Partition-Independence” unravels the zero tolerance of our political parties, who claims to be the guard of democracy. Party’s political committee suspended him from the party membership just for writing a book. This evidence shows that how fragile and immature our democracy and political systems are. Jaswant Singh was expelled on the ground of violating and contradicting party’s ideology. The real question arises that how many member of BJP’s committte have read the book to draw the conclusion. I am 100% sure none of them must have read it, because its very difficult for busy person like them to finish a book with more than 600 pages in 2 days (book released on monday and party expelled him on wednesday). My point is not to support or contradict Jaswant singh’s view. But my point is whats wrong in knowing the different view of different person and discuss them in true democratic spirit. why we fear discussion? Every time when a writer comes with some contradictory view, let it be Sulman Rushdie, Taslima Nasrin or Jaswant Singh, our so called mesiah of democracy start thier so called democratic action like banning the book, burning the effigy of author, burning the book copies,author’s house and so on. Why it agitate us every time when some body take cudgel against our venerable personality like Sivaji, Sardar Patel, Ambedkar etc. Even i venerate those people but that doesn’t mean we can enforse all people to do so. No person in this world is perfect and without flaw. some person might look on different side these person, which can have some darkness. So whats wrong in knowing about their view. Even god is critisized and hated by many people, and some times they even have valid point in thier criticism. So let them criticise and say thier point, its upon the people to decide whether they are correct or not. Why these political parties think that people of india are fool, and anybody can mislead us by just writing a book or making a movie. We all are wise enough to construct our opinion. You dont need to vandalise on the name of us. Lets all of us denounce these so called guard of democracy and let flow any kind of ideas in this country, because only this will make our country vibrant and colourful.
Extravagancy-Its not that bad
There have been lots of talk happening on extravagancy of richer class and sometimes even its impact on economy. Before writing against or in favour of them, I’ll make it very clear that , I belong to a very middle middle class family so I have no privilege to be extravagant . But, when I look further into this topic(by forgetting myself ) , one thing always get into my mind, extravagancy actually encourages the high flow of money towards somewhere (where we will discuss later), then why people considers it as so bad?Almost all people condemn the indians (despite of the fact that they too do the same thing), who spends huge and unnecessary amount of money into marraige, and let all belittler like us to wink and say-”SHOW OFF”.. But my point is, let them show off. The more they show-off, more the market for marraige industry will grow and hence will feed the mouth of 50 million people who are directly or indirectly connected to this industry. Think what will happen to them and their kin dependent upon them if all of us stop spending in marraige and start doing an austere and simple marraige :). Now you might arise the question, what will i say about our ruined children of fatty rich father who spend on expensive goods lavishly, lets take an example like buying a BMW. Obviously its not going to help our economy, because money is going out of our country. But, let me help you to think again, when a person buys a BMW, it helps the BMW company to keep themselves alive and hence help in filling the pocket of their employees, thereforth this full pocket goes on products like garments, handicraft and many more. There by it keeps alive our export industry and hence more than 50 million people related to this industry.Money is like a non destructible element, if one try to destroy it, it will go to other in order to save other.no body can waste it. So friends, today’s mantra is ’show off as much as you can’ , because by showing off you are actually doing a social service. so hats off to our “show off” friends
Crisis of airline industry-what is the responsibility of govenment?
Year 2006 and 2007- The year when airline industry was bullish and our aviation minister was riding on this tide. He was being hailed as a man who changed the civil aviation scenario in India. Entry of number of private companies in this sector made it possible for average middle class indians to fly. Suddenly civil aviation sector became a brightest sector and was in news everywhere.Then came 2008, which brought unprecedented surge in oil price and nightmare of airline industry started from here. Afterward recession hit it more and once a rising star, it started drowning in this flood of misfortunes.Now came the pleas of industry to government to bail them out, who is subjected to estimated loss of whopping 10000 crore. Now my question is why govenment is shying away to bail them out, as it is doing in case of Air India? The demands of airline Industry are to reduce the cost of ATF which is in india 60% higher than other parts of the world, and in form of charge cut, like the one which is levied upon them for using airport.Its not been a long time when we used to give example of our civil aviation industry to attract the private player in other sectors. Now is this the example we are going to present them, how step-motherly we treat our private industry in compare to our PSU. When a child in a house sneezes then its the house owner’s responsibility to keep him healthy, but when all children in state start sneezing then it becomes the responsibility of government to take care of them and ensure the healhty environment.present crisis in airlines is something which is caused by external factor. It has less to do with airlines own failure or incompetency. Government must address their grievence.
True Happiness
We always crave for happpiness in our life. But, are we really understand what the true happiness is?Until and unless we don’t understand it how we will feel it?We say happiness is elusive, but have we ever realised that its not happiness which elude us, its actually we who elude happiness.Fullfilling our ambition is not way to find happiness, its just a tool that keeps us going forward in our life. Harbouring ambition is not bad , but it becomes monstrous when we link it with our happiness. Because happiness doesn’t come with achievement, it comes with small small momemts in our life, which we start ignoring while pursuing our ambition.We ignore these momemts while we are busy and always think once let me finish this task after then i’ll think about it. But does that momemt come. No, that doesn’t come, because after finishing one we start pursuing for another and forget about the little thing, thus forget about ourself. Thats why we never be happy. So why to ignore these small momemts which comes in several forms in our life to make us happy. Just grab it, beleive me you will still be able to achieve anything in your life which you desire for, in less time than previous
Do we know our scholar
I was going through an article published in Hindu, which was tributed to late scholar Ji Xianlin. Ji Xianlin was a greatly venerated chienese scholar who had “secretly translated the Sanskrit-Hindu text of Ramayan into chienese during the cultural revolution”. His death brought a deep sense of remorse inside chienese people. Press was full of tribute to him. If I compare this situation to our country then it sadden me too much to think that how many people know about our scientist, historian or another scholar. I dont blame them for this, even I am unaware of much of these people. Its the responsibility of our media to bring the information about them and thier work to us. I beleive its a crime to deprive us the knowledge about those asset of our country, and its being done by our media. Every indian child know that Micheal Jackson has died but how many of them know that, at the same month the legendary sarod player and teacher Ali Akbar Khan has also passed away. I dont want to steal glory of Micheal Jackson. He was worth to be remembered by all world, but doesn’t Ali Akbar Khan deserve the same? Its our media’s responsibility to bring them to us, then only we will get to know hundreds of them, who is secretly affecting our life through thier remarkable work in one or another way. And, I beleive the day media realise this responsibility India would cross another milestone in order to become a great nation
Sharm El-Sheikh- where did it leave us
Despite all the clarification made by honourable prime minister in parliament, the joint statement of Sharm El-Sheikh have left a small scar on our face. May this scar not be real, but it still itches and Pakistan is trying to show this unreal scar to all world. I respect the statemanship of Mr. Prime minister and i also agree that his intensions are very honest. But, when we deal with a neighbour whose existence is laid upon the hatred against India, we cant rely upon honest and good intensions. Because it doesn’t work with our neighbour. See where we are today, Government of India is facing flak of allegation and Yusuf Raja Gilani is being hailed as hero in his country. Why always initiater have to suffer the consequences? Unfortunately in this case we have always been the initiater.
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