Monday, December 28, 2009
So, one more year is being added to the India’s after independence history. What’s the conclusion? India is getting older or more matured? Of course very few evidence might suggest, us as being a mature nation but there are a lot more event which will certainly prove that we are getting old, with ample stubborn within us but very less degree of maturity. We are the nation of perfectionist. How can it possible to be anything wrong with us? if we are not able to achieve anything or living in some doom condition that’s all because of our government, police, bureaucracy, our neighbor, sometimes our teacher, boss and so many people. See how we can succeed if so many people are behind us, looking for a chance to pull us out of this life race, otherwise we are perfectionist. You would often find several people sitting on chaupal in Bihar, playing card and bragging about Bihari’s achievement and complaining about government. One day I encountered such people, they were boasting that biharis are at the top of each educational field. That amazed me, I asked but Bihar literacy rate is only 49%. The man got angry on me , he gave me example of some particular year in which one particular bihari was topper in IAS exam, he said proudly that it was bihari, none other else. Oh, man for god sake come out of this. I thought (I didn’t say him anything), what about the other 50-60 other IAS topper, they were certainly from the other state, so what’s special about this one. That’s the problem with people, they know the weakness is inside them, they try to hide it by showing the achievement of few people and by consoling themselves that they couldn’t achieve anything because of system, otherwise they would have been on the top of the world. This is not only the problem of Bihar, it’s ubiquitous everywhere in India. Take the example of print media; you might have seen videos which they run, when they talk about India’s achievement after independence. You will always see a few common people there, like Aishwarya Rai, Sachin Tendulkar, sometimes Kalpana Chawla, Amitabh Bacchan, sometimes Shahrukh Khan, Kapil Dev with world cup in hand and now Abhinav Bindra has also been included in this compact list. From my childhood I have been seeing these faces in video and I always wondered that whether India have so few achievers in its bucket and that also so unimportant to other part of world that they hardly even know them. These people are excellent people who have left a remarkable foot print on the particular area through which they are associated with. But in order to become a great country, a country needs to have a bunch of countless excellent people in each and every area. Think of America, a long list of people will come into your mind and because of these only it will take us at least a century to reach there, where America is sitting now, regardless of how much we brag about our achievements. It’s not that we don’t have talent or we lack of it, in fact we are the people who have actually been building the base on which country like America is flourishing. Truth is that we are still infected with the imperial mentality; we only get impressed with the object which glitters and are complacent that we have that few glittering object, who glitter in such an unfriendly environment which doesn’t let you glitter. That’s why we Indians are so great, Thumps up. Just look around you, you will get plethora of unsung talent, who are ready to take this country to next level. Some of them are even doing this. It’s not a Tendulkar, a Bacchan or a Rai who make the country; it’s actually those unsung heroes who help the country to achieve greatness. Of course these venerated people like Tendulkar are kind of beautiful flower in this big garden who adds extra beauty to this country’s garden, but few flowers don’t make the garden. It’s our duty to find more flower and beautify our garden, and if we could not find it then to produce it for our country garden. No forces in this world can stop us for doing this, because if there is a will then there is a way . So stop bragging and being complacent, because it’s time to act. JAI HO
country garden people world
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Come'on unsung heroes.... thats enough motivation.... lets act. thumbs up.