Monday, December 28, 2009
why reservation?
What started as the noble purpose of our ancestors to uplift the socially deprived and backward community, has been turned into the undefeated political tool of our selfish, profane and idiot political leaders. Reservation has become a political buzzword in past 2 decades. After independence it was seen as an inevitable measure to bring the socially backward people, who were shattered by the centuries of suppression, to the main stream and lift their morale. It was envisioned that reservation will be reviewed after each 10 years to see the status of SC and ST, and once it is felt that objective has been met , reservation will be lifted. The important thing is that after 62 years of independence resevation is still there, flourishing more with each year added, and there is dim chance that in near 5000 years it is going to be abolished. So, what should we conclude from this , after 62 years of indendence these classes are still underprivileged and undeveloped. More irony is that more and more classes has actually been added to it. At the time of independence 22.5% people were underprivileged , now its 49.5% (after 2008 total reserved quota is 49.5%- 15% for SC, 7.5% for ST and 27% for OBC). So , instead of decreasing this %age of underprivileged people, Reservation has actuaaly increased it, this is the only conclusion which come in one’s mind from this whole discussion. whats the need of the system(reservation) which is only worsening the matter instead of rectifying it. Now the Talk is being done for the women’s quota in Parliament. I whole-heartedly deny any kind of reservation for any body in a civil and democratic society. What was noble at the time of indepence has now become the evil of indian society. In 21st century India is claiming to become the global power, just because it is empowered with its people. India’s people are adequately empowered with information and the vision of future. Only obstacle in thier growth is poverty. remove this obstacle, people of india will be prosperous in every aspect without any reservation. Reservation has just become a political tool of ‘divide and rule’ for political party whose only aim is to anyhow secure the power. British has gone from india, but it seems they have infused thier theory to our politicians’s mind very efficiently. Resevation will never allow casteism to root out from india, as it will only deepen the crisis. Why talk is being done to give reservation to women in parliament. Dont they think that women are suffieciently talented to achieve this on thier own. Isn’t it a tool to insult all women, that look you cant achieve this feat until and unless we dont reserve that for you. If you truely want to empowered women in society then take the concrete measure like taking anti dowry measure strictly, encourage your girl child to choose thier path, educate them, and let them decide what they want. Automatically 50% of parliament will be filled by women instead of proposed 33% reservation. My only request to our politician to come out of patronage mentality, you have been made by people of india, so work with them to empowered them , dont think of endowing them with something like king. This is democracy not monarchy for god sake. I appeal people to deny reservation on thier own and henceforth deny the politics related to this, then only we can make this country to our ideal country which we always dreamt for. Now the time has come to do this .
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