Monday, September 27, 2010
I am getting it:
not long ago i was very scared to walk outside in rainy season. reflection of sky in ubiquitous logged water made me shudder at thought of falling into infinte sky. It still scares me, now not because of fear of falling inside the sky, but fear of encountering with road side pit.not long ago, ‘POLITICS’ -> a very sacred word originated from greek word politik meant town was the word which has always intrigued me. I knew it incorporates a strong power but how i was not able to comprehend. I knew it have power to turn the direction of wind, to destroy the world, to rule the people’s mind. But how, again that question was beyond my comprehension. But not any more, I am getting it now. No longer i beleive in falling inside the enormous and infinte sky, i know what is there inside the water logged on the road.to make a balance between your support base and your source has always been tricky for governments. But it seems our government have mastered it. Support denotes the common man supporting the government, and source represents the few %age of wealthy people who claims to run the economy. Government need support to win election so it bring the natioanal food security act to secure a minimum meal for all Indian. Bill is very nobel but a look closer to it exposes the main motive behind it. It is actually trying to rip off the very voices of activities of Right to Food and give us a fractured bill which can never fulfill the dream of hunger free India. Food is the basic necessity of life. Millions of ton of food is rotting inside our cold storage when millions of indians are facing threat of hunger beacuse of spiralling inflation. The very idea of drawing a line between the BPL and APL is fautly itself which have capacity to spawn a corrupt system that could not deliver to deserving. Keeping this in mind our activist relentlessy advocated for an universal PDS (public distribution system) system which will ensure a minimum ration to all Indians regardless of thier economic status. The fact (which our politicians and elites are not ready to accept) is that 80% of indians are poor and they need government assistence and this is very much viable economically. After so much of hue and cry over Universal PDS concept our nobel NAC (National Advisory council) headed by Sonia Gandhi came with another nobel idea to restrict the universaltiy of PDS system to 150 district. now our right will be defined by our geographical position, any way there are lots of other defect associated with it. I would have wondered (not long ago) whats the problem in giving food to poor when grains are being rotten in godown, why government is shying in universalising the PDS when it is already spending billion dollars in TAX exemption for few section and when it can easily mop up the fund for it if it desire to do so. But it doesn’t matter whether you have grain or not to distribute, it doesn’t matter if you money or not to erect an infrastructure to universalise the PDS what matters is the interest of source. Universalize the few districts and subsidized grain will be snatched away from poor’s hand and fall into hand of big retailers who will make huge profit out of it by selling it into the place who is out of the purview of universalisation. Now can you see the pattern, by showing the lolypop of universal PDS government is able to win the common man (support) and by restricting it to few places it is able to appease the trades man (source) who will be able to make profit more than they ever made in past. This is called quite innovative approach where you are able to achieve to your motive without disturbing the balance. But ultimate loosers is the common man, and tragedy is that they are not able to comprehend this.But what to do this is politics, which has actually lost its meaning and became synonymous to trick, treachery and uncanniness. After 64 years of independence we can be proud of atleast one thing - we have world class politician and no one can compete them in this whole universe. JAI HIND
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