Every morning I take the newspaper and lay my eyes upon the front page with fast heart beat and anxious eyes. My eyes and my heart just crave to see the good news that all misery has been put to an end and finally we are coming like a lotus from all the mess we have created in past. This has been happening for last 10 month. Now the clock has finally started ticking towards the 3rd October when the 19th common wealth is going to be commenced in New Delhi but there is no respite for me in the news. Every day presents a new found disaster. Rate of invention has never been so fast in India in past. It has broken all record.I was very happy when years ago I heard that India won the bid to represent the Common Wealth for 2010. I felt very proud and like an every common Indian I was hoping that through CWG India will be able to put up a spectacular show and proves to the world that we are not far behind China (Beijing Olympic 2008). Using this opportunity we would be able to improve our sport and town infrastructure and once again culture of sports will return to modern India. Now forget about the sports, not even one Indian is thinking about how many medals we will win in this event, we are just thinking how we would come out of 14 October with our head still high in world community. Our politician and bureaucrat left no stone unturned in fleecing the game and make the mockery of it and leave all of us in a mess which god knows how we will come out of it. All big talks of creating a world class infrastructure in Delhi, brining the glory back to sport and drawing attention of world community towards rising India has gone now as we are just thinking of how to complete the game without facing any boycotts from the participating countries.Once again the onus of saving the face of India fell on us. As an Indian citizen it’s our duty to protect the game henceforth protects the country’s reputation. Don’t tell me what I can do for this. Don’t forget we are 1 billion + country. When this 1 billion crazy nation go behind the cricket we become the world super power of cricket. Nobody then talks about our infrastructure and security (remember England continues the tour and played in India even after terror attack in Mumbai 23/11). We can show this same insurmountable power by going with CWG-2010. I appeal to all of you to shrug off your indifference towards the game. Come out and join hand to make it huge success. We will watch it, applaud our player and even foreign player in good game spirit and make it a turning point in Indian sport history. World will surely notice this mass power of India which could not have been the case hitherto. So friends come and join hand, stay behind and support our SHERA.
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